Wednesday 21 May 2008

Preparation for Godly work

This blog isn't just about my journey towards Godly Womanhood,

It's also about preparing myself for the life God has planned for me...hopefully that is to have a family and be a keeper of the home,

So in preparation,

  1. I read books and gain knowledge of home making ect...

  2. I read other blogs that also encourage Biblical principals

  3. I listen to UCB radio, which has lovely and uplifting music

  4. I pray, not only for the life I wish for, but also for the wisdom to carry out the huge task of doing so with Godly principals, kindness and laughter,

  5. I help with the running of my father's home, this teaches me practical things...

  6. I talk to other people, especially my grannies as both give me endless sources of wisdom.
I wish you a wonderful day...full of happiness


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