Wednesday 21 May 2008

Godly Womanhood

Godly womanhood/wifehood is a very difficult thing to capture...possible but very tricky,
God has created it to be difficult so that a woman who is truly living for God stands out in a way that someone living for the Earth just can't...
he has created that person to show others how God transforms a life into something beyond precious...
Just look at Proverbs 31:
'she is worth far more than rubies'
'she brings him(her husband) good, not harm'
'she opens her arms to the poor'
'she makes coverings for her bed'
'she speaks with wisdom'
'she can laugh at the days to come'
'charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised'
...and this isn't even all of I want to encourage you to read Provebs 31,
and pray to be closer to this image of a woman living close to God, and that he may guide you in your life...

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